The ultimate HBCU experience played ball Saturday in Mobile!
The big football matchup between the Bulldogs of Alabama A&M vs. Tigers of Jackson State University lead by Deion Sanders or as most call him “Coach Prime” packed out Ladd PEEBLES Stadium.
The final score 13 to 27. Jackson State Tigers taking home the dub.
Even though with the low temperatures it did not affect the turnout of the gulf coast challenge.
Folks inside and outside the stadium join to celebrate the two schools excited for the showdown, but also bring the teams together.
“We actually met a lot of people from JSU as well as other schools from surrounding areas. We also met some people from South Alabama, but we’ve had a great time,” said Mallory Burns, Alabama A&M student.
One Jackson State fan says having the one and only coach prime on their team has changed the game for Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
“It takes a coach like that to bring them together. He leaves them disciplined and there are no politics involved. Plus, he shows love, and he does a whole lot for the state,” said Denver Washington, Jackson State fan.
Jackson State ultimately took the win, but both teams say this night will be one they will never forget.
“Let’s go Jackson State! We SWAC, who is SWAC if I ain’t SWAC!”
The Gulf Coast Challenge says over 30,000 people were inside the stadium. That is the most Ladd has seen in 7 years.