During a recent interview, Cam’ron revealed that he once tried to shoot his shot at Halle Berry before he became famous.
Cam said, “I love Halle Berry right? So one day [when] I had [recently] gotten a record deal, I had just finished playing basketball in LA.”
He continued, “I’m at the ATM and ngas is like, ‘Yo that’s Halle Berry next to you!’ I ain’t got no haircut, I got no shirt on. I’m like, ‘Yo, let me talk to you real quick!’ She’s like, ‘No, no, no, no, no, no. You have to relax.’ I’m like ‘Hear me out! Hear me out.’ So she walking to her car mad fast and I’m following her and I had a cassette tape.” He added, “So like six years later I’m platinum and all this other st. I’m at the American Music Awards and I’m in there with mad ngas. Nelly in there, Tyson Beckford, Larenz Tate. All these people coming up to me like, ‘Cam! I love you!’ Larenz Tate was like, ‘Yo my nga, I fk with you. You one of my favorite for years. You know that was me in the passenger seat with Halle when you slid that joint in there.’ I was like, ‘That was you my nga?!'”