1999 shooting victim is claiming that ‘Diddy fired the gun and not Shyne’ which resulted in the incarceration of Shyne, who was a member of the Bad Boy group.
In a post that she made on Wednesday, Natalia Reuben, the shooting victim.
Reuben stated, “Let me tell you why that is of utmost importance to me. Because I am the woman he shot in the face in that December 27, 1999, Club New York shooting. I have told everyone at nauseam since then, even the surgeon who did the surgery to take the bullet, I got shot in my face with a 9 mm hollow-point bullet called a cop killer.”
He added, “I literally told everyone and never changed what I said. I watched him, I got [shot] in the face, I watched him fire the gun. I’ve said it all this time. Even the surgeon who did my surgery testified in the criminal trial that while they were putting me under [anesthesia].”
He finished by saying, “I was screaming, ‘Puffy [shot] me in the face.’… Everybody knew he did it, but he paid off the club bouncer and all these other people to hide the video. That’s his MO.”